We create a direct relationship between our clients and their Healthcare
DirectCare is a health plan optimization and risk management company. Serving clients as partners in strategy, innovation, and growth focused on optimizing employer provided health benefits. DirectCare shortens the path to success by leveraging high value relationships and industry expertise to expand the team, capabilities and reach of healthcare organizations from start-up to public companies.
Tom Dolsak Chief Executive Officer, DirectCare
Tom is the co-founder and CEO of DirectCARE a health plan optimization and risk management company. He works directly with employers, health systems, consultants and healthcare companies. Prior to DirectCARE Dolsak was President of Healthcare Strategies, a national medical management healthcare technology company where, for five years, he stabilized operations, solidified the client base and created unprecedented growth through disruptive innovation.
Dolsak started his career in the United States Army. Serving as a combat medic and nurse, where he special- ized in surgical intensive care and cardiovascular surgery. Leadership roles have been consistent throughout Dolsak’s career, serving at WEB-TPA, the Dallas-based administrator and provider of proprietary technologies within the benefits industry and at Gentiva CareCentix where he was an integral part of the early development of their medical management solution. He has held C-level positions for companies focused on population health, provider contracting, healthcare administration and data solutions for self-funded employers, health systems and government agencies.
Dolsak speaks regularly at industry events, most recently at the International Foundation of Employee Benefits and Nation Labor Coalition. He has served on the board of the Health and Welfare Trust for the Saint Lucie County Fire District and the Healthcare Advisory Board for the Saint Lucie County School District. He has a nursing degree from the United States Army and graduated from Northeastern University with a Bachelor of Science in Health Management.
Kevin Frew Chief Strategy Officer
Kevin is Co-Founder and CSO of DirectCARE and excels in providing healthcare entrepreneurs and businesses long term support in their growth and innovation efforts. Typically engaging in roles that begin with an operational assessment and a focus on aligning disparate products or service offerings to produce new companies, new markets and new growth opportunities.
Kevin has led teams in the financial services, technology, and employee benefits industries as an executive in various strategy, business development, consulting roles. After leading a regional third party administrator and general agency into diversified product offerings such as payroll, workers compensation, and association health plans with responsibilities for wholesale broker distribution and direct sales; Mr. Frew built a model to bring cost containment and population risk management solutions to market through Health Plans, Third Party Administrators, Hospitals, Providers and Large Employers with an aim to create an ecosystem of partners whose value proposition transcends the needs and competing interests of a Hospital as a Employer, a Provider, and a Health Plan.
Mr. Frew has held several advisory board positions for early stage companies and worked closely in numerous roles for non-profit organizations including Tewaaraton Foundation, Greater Washington Sports Alliance, Winners Lacrosse and Global PTSi Foundation.
Mr. Frew earned his Bachelor of Science in Economics and B.S. in Management in Society from University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.