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DirectCARE specializes in Provider & Network Solutions, Health Plan Optimization & Population Risk Management.  Leveraging advanced analytics and insider expertise we aim to maximize transparency, outcomes, savings, member engagement and patient experience.  

We will engage with vendors, providers, and consultants to help navigate the increasingly complex worlds of healthcare, employee benefits, and finance. 

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Who do we help?

TPAs, Health Plans, & Networks

Hospitals, Providers & ACOs

Employers, Unions, Municipalities

Technology Companies (Fintech / Insuretech)

Patients, Members & Employees

Insurance Advisors, Brokers, & Consultants


Your Health Plan Optimization Specialist

What is DirectCare?

Joining Forces for Employee Health Benefits at a Better Cost

DirectCare is your partner for network solutions,  health plan optimization and population risk management. Serving clients as partners in strategy, innovation, and growth focused on optimizing employer provided health benefits and provider engagement.


DirectCare shortens the path to success by leveraging high value relationships and industry expertise to expand the team, capabilities and reach of healthcare organizations from start-up to public companies.


DirectCARE empowers its affiliate health plans to allow their employer clients to purchase health care services directly from providers. We cut out the middle-man and save the employers 20% to 50% off their health care  and prescription spend.


We communicate directly to the health providers with fair and reasonable pricing and direct contracts. This is a Major Medical health plan with the medical and pharmacy coverage you expect.


DirectCARE is dedicated to helping members navigate their health care experience. Health plan enrollees never have to question their coverage. 

What is Directcare
We Provide

We are here to assist

1-800-853-2614 |

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